- Rails enthusiast
- Works at dela med noll
- Has a blog
- Worked with rails since 12.1, or like since Spring 2005.
- Student at LTH, will eventually probably sometime in the near future hold a MSc, for now its just a measly BSc (Or “Högskoleingenjör” in swedish)
Avid Linux user, although i hate both vi(m) and emacs. (Go eclipse!)
- Scrap that above, I no longer hate vim, and have moved on to hating eclipse instead. (Go vim!)
- Secretly wants a mac.
- Openly wants gnome to improve, and Linux hardware compatability to really improve.
- Makes a strong case for Open Source (and/or Rails) every time you meet him. (Yes, I am a pain in the ass)
- Has a great sense of humour. (Or so he tells himself and everyone else)
- Part of SSRUG
Has been known to scare people away:

Sidor jag kan bidra med (sparka på mig så tar jag mig i kragen).
Integrera Ferret i Rails
Exotiska databaser i Rails
Bildhantering med rmagick
Engines, sanslös code reuse
Ldap och Rails
Hur kunde jag leva utan Subversion?
Switchtower och jag
Migrations made easy
Rake är din vän, eller hur man automatiserar det där tråkiga, enformiga och jobbiga jobbet.
Sidor jag vill se!
Automatiserade backuper
Såhär enkelt är det att skriva tester
Testdriven utveckling i Rails
Tester räddar dagen!
Detta är det absolut roligaste i Rails/Ruby
Hopscotching and flip-flops implemented
Internationalization, the full guide